All Mikayla Arsenian Photography senior clients receive a "What to Wear" guide to help them plan for their senior photoshoot! Here are a few extra outfit planning tips I love to share with my high school seniors:
1. Add Variety: Try to find different types of outfits to wear for your session. For example, plan an outfit with a cute top and a pair of jeans. The next outfit could be a long flowy dress or a cute romper! Throw in a sophisticated look! It is also important to expand the color ranges in your outfit options. You probably do not want every outfit to be blue. So, mix it up!
2. Comfort: I cannot stress enough how important it is to pick outfits that you feel the most comfortable to wear. Wearing outfits that make you feel comfortable will help radiate your confidence and allow so many poses for your senior session. Make sure to try on each outfit to ensure you can sit, squat, lay down, and walk around comfortably.
Not only do our seniors receive EXCLUSIVE access to the What to Wear guide, but also #MAPSeniors receive extra help planning their outfits, accessories, hair and makeup during their complimentary virtual fashion consultation! If these resources sound like the perfect solution for you to plan your outfits, then let's chat today about booking your senior session! 
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